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Concept of disease control


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concept of disease control
Disease Control
Disease control mainly focuses on primary and secondary prevention activities. In this , the "agent" is permitted to persist in the community at a level shere it ceases to be public health problem according to the tolerance of the local population.e.g. Malaria control

Disease elimination
It is used to describe the interruption of transmission of disease or reduction of case transmission to a predetermined very low level. e.g.WHO (1991) - TB elimination to 1 case / million population.

Disease eradication
It is often termed as complete " tear out by roots ". It means termination of all transmission of infection by extermination of the infectious agent. It is an absolute process, e.g. small pox eradication.

The performance and analysis of routine movements aimed at detecting changes in the environment or health status of population.


It means to watch over with great attention, authority and often with suspicion. It is the continuous scrutiny of the factors that determine the occurrence and distribution of disease and other condition of all health.


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