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Acute Respiratory Infection ( ARI )

Comments (7) | Tuesday, March 2, 2010

acute respiratory tract infection
Acute Respiratory Infection ( ARI ) is infections of respiratory tract, from nose to alveoli. It is one of the major killer disease of children worldwide. Generally, leading cause of morbidity and mortality of this disease is on under 5 children.

ARI is caused by a variety of agents. They are :

Bacteria : ( most of lower ARIs ) Bordetella pertusis, Corynebacteruim diptheriae, Hemophilus influenza, Kleibsella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae.

Virus (most of upper ARIs) : Influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, measles virus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus.

Others : Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia

The disease is mainly transmitted through droplet infection, or also through the droplet nuclei. Once the healthy person is invaded by the infection, patient shows different clinical features like difficulty in breathing , fast breathing which reaches more than 50/min slowly till 5 years. Not only this, one also suffer from ear problems followed by time to time.

Based on the guidelines of integrated management of childhood illness ( IMCI, by WHO ) , ARI is classified into several types. They are :

1.No pneumonia : There is no chest indrawing as well as no fast breathing. For this sort of ARI , there is several symptomatic treatment.

2.Pneumonia : If pneumonia is resulted from ARI, in this case also , there is no chest indrawing, however, fast breathing is resulted.

3.Severe pneumonia : In case of ARI followed by severe pneumonia, there is chest indrawing as well as fast breathing. Treatment for this is use of antibiotics like co-trimoxazole, amoxicillin, chloramphenicol, etc.

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Different agents of meningitis and their features

Comments (2) | Monday, March 1, 2010

Different agents of meningitis and their features
Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges. Its agent can be of different kind of organisms.
.Bacteria : Neisseria meningitis, E.coli, Proteus, Hemophilus, influenza, Streptococcus, pneumonia, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Virus : Echovirus, Polio virus, Epstein barr virus, Influenza virus.

Fungi : Cryptococcus neoformans

Protozoa : Toxoplasma

Meningitis is transmitted mainly by the droplet infection. Its incubation period varies according to the causative agent. For Neisseria meningitis, it varies from 2-10 days. It causes meningococcal meningitis, which is most dangerous form of meningitis.

Clinical features show intense headache, vomiting, high fever, neck stiffness, unconsciousness and coma. The meningococcal meningitis has a very rapid course and these symptoms can develop very rapidly within few hours. Penicillin is used in its treatment.

Meningitis can be diagnosed through different methods. The study of the CSF cytology, total number of cells, sugar and protein content. Depending on the causative agent there are different findings of these parameter. In case of bacterial meningitis there is increased level of cells, low sugar and more protein. In case of the tuberculosis meningitis, Fibrin coagulum is seen on standing the CSF.

Meningitis is a dreadful disease and if its timely cure isn't done, it can create a worse situation. Some of its complications are residual neurological deficit and death. The case fatality rate of the meningococcal antibiotics availability and proper management the mortality has declined.

Its treatment is based on the type of cause. In case of the bacterial meningitis, it is treated with antibiotics like Penicillin, Chloramphenicol, Cefotaxamine, gentamycin. For the fungus antifugal drugs are used. Viral meningitis is managed by symptomatic and supportive treatment.

Vaccination can be done for prevention against meningitis.

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Information about Pertussis

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information about pertussis
Pertussis is an acute respiratory infection caused by Bordetella pertussis. Pertussis is also called ' hundred day cough ' by Chinese. The main victims are preschool children , although highest mortality is seen in below 6 months age group.

The main mode of transmission is droplet infection. Direct contact with the infected ones is also transmitting means. The clinical feature of this disease shows the different stages. First comes Catarrhal stage , which lasts for almost 7-10 days following running nose, conjunctivitis, cough, mild fever. Then comes Paroxysmal stage, that lasts for about 2-4 days, which follows irritating cough, slowly increasing in severity and duration and ending in characteristic whoop or loud crowing inspiration. Finally Convalescent stage for 1-2 weeks, resulting recovery, or complications or death. Several complications are directly related to pertussis or whooping cough. Bronchitis, is one of the complications, that causes difficulty in breathing and causes swallowing problems. Similarly, pneumonia can be resulted if the cough gets worst. Epistaxis, Hemoptysis and convulsions are some of the other complications. In several cases, coma has been also resulted due to the pertussis.

People usually are careless in manner of pertussis , however it can result worst situation. Isolation of cases should be done within the 4 weeks. Penicillin and erythromycin can be effective. Several contacts like prophylactic erythromyocin or penicillins should be adopted. The main prevention is done by no exposure to the patients. The infected ones should also adopt a lot care while sneezing, coughing to prevent droplet transmission. Prevention includes vaccination with pertussis vaccine either single or combined DPT.

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Real meaning of Hydrophobia

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real meaning of hydrophobia
Hydrophobia, is a set of symptoms at a stage of infection from rabies. Rabies is disease which directly affects the central nervous system of our body. It is transmitted from infected mammals and is deadly from the start of symptoms. Hydrophobia is also termed as aquaphobia, since in this stage, people get scared of water.

There is generally a misconception in people that hydrophobia generally means people getting scared of a bucket of water, which is totally a wrong idea. Hydrophobia usually means fear of getting drowned in deep water conditions. Once hydrophobia is resulted, victims experience fear when they are exposed near the any water resources, may be a pond, river, ocean, or even a bathtub.

Patient of hydrophobia experience show some unusual behavior when they are exposed to any water reservoir. They say that they develop fear of getting drowned in water and can't withstand the water reservoir at their sight. Some patients even have the nightmare of getting drowned in water resources.Sufferer get several sorts of symptoms. His pulse rate gets higher when he stands near water sources. Dry mouth, shortness of breath, physical and mental imbalance, state of dilemma in every sorts of work are some other symptoms of hydrophobia.

Although, hydrophobia is one of the fetal disease in human history, its medical cure hasn't been fixed yet. Several drugs have been discovered but they are only limited to dealing with hydrophobia, not overcoming it. The only way is to develop confidence, calm against the hydrophobia. Some medical experts perfect in this field should be called and these experts imply their several techniques that helps in overcoming anxiety, fear and sadness.

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Types of communicable diseases

Comments (2) | Wednesday, February 24, 2010

types of communicable diseases

A communicable disease is one in which the causative organism is carried from one person to another either directly or indirectly. Communicable diseases are classified into following types :

1. Viral Diseases
Examples : influenza, small pox, chicken pox, etc.

2. Rickettisial Diseases
These are caused by rickettsias (the obligate nitracellular parasites). The name Rickettsia was given after the name of American Scientist Rickettis ( 1871-1910 ). Examples : Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, trench fever, Q fever and typhus fever.

3. Disease caused by Chlamydiae
Chlamydiae occupy a position intermediate between Rickettsiae and virus. They resemble rickettsiae but differ from them significantly by possessing a unique, obligatory intracellular developmental cycle. Examples : Chlamydia trachomatis stains have been classified by neutralisation and immunofluorescence tests into 15 serotypes - A, B, Ba, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L types, other disease caused by chlamydiae are lymphogranulosa, venreum and psittacosis.

4. Mycoplasmal Diseases
Because mycoplasmae resemble to the organism causing pleuroneumonia, they were called "pleuropneumonia like organisms " or PPLO. The causative agent of bovine pleuropneumonia was first isolated by Nocard and Roux.

5. Bacterial Diseases
Examples : Cholera, typhoid, syphilis, etc.

6. Protozoan Diseases
Examples : Amoebiasis, malaria, kala-azar, oriental sore, sleeping sickness, etc.

7. Helminth Diseases ( flat worms and round worms )
Examples : taeniasis, schistosomiasis, liver rot-caused by flat worms, and ascariasis, filariasis, enterobiasis, trichinosis, hookworm disease and guinea worm disease caused by roundworms.

8. Fungal Diseases
These are caused by fungi. Examples : Ringworm, athlete's foot, etc.

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Prevention of bird flu

Comments (2) | Tuesday, February 23, 2010

prevention of bird flu
Bird flu, also termed as ' avian influenza ' has become concerning disease in these recent years. As the name clears, this flu attacks different species of birds , especially includes chickens, ducks and geese.In total , there are about 16 types of bird flu virus , however, one that is concerning is deadly H5N1 strain. At present, worldwide, about 9,000 deaths has been resulted due to the bird flu, and the deaths of chickens has no limit at all.

Primarily, prevention should be adopted by the one who works in poultry. One should must use masks and gloves for his protection while working in poultry.Bird flu should be controlled starting from farm. Farm animals should be kept well fenced and we should control their link with wild animals as well as other farms. If any sorts of symptoms of flu is found in any bird, then it should be isolated from the group and should be kept separate for investigation. Careful dealing with different nasal and faeceal discharges while working in poultry should be done.

If we have any bird as pet, then we should be careful in this case. It should be kept caged, and control its way out to outdoor. AVMC ( The American Veterinarian Medical Association ) suggests not to allow our cat to escape here and there outside, for prevention from bird flu and other diseases as well.

Prevention while eating poultry items is a must for preventing bird flu. Several preventive measures should be taken in considerations while handling and eating poultry items. Separate dishes and knives should be used for poultry and vegetables and should be well washed after they are used. Cooking temperature should must exceed 70°C. Eggs also carry bird flu. So, eggs should be well washed before they are cooked. Buying cracked eggs should be strictly avoided. Several of people take frozen meat who should well know that freezing the meat does not kill the virus at all.

Different vaccines are available for bird flu. Tamiflu prevents virus from escaping its host cell. However , these medication are not well effective and treatment can't be assured. So, if we can , prevention is far better than searching its cure.

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Different viral Hepatitis

Comments (4) | Monday, February 22, 2010

different viral hepatitis
Hepatitis is defined as the infection of liver by virus ( expecially A, B, C , D, E virus ). It is self-limiting disease.

Some facts about different viral Hepatitis
> Among the Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E : Hepatitis B is DNA virus , rest are RNA virus.
> Vaccine and Immunoglobulin are present for Hepatitis B and C.
> Treatment: drugs are present for Hepatitis B and C.
> Fecal - oral transmission is present in Hepatitis A and E.
> Vertical transmission ( Mother to foetus ) is present in Hepatitis B and D.
> Hepatitis A and E are also known as infective hepatitis.
> Chronic hepatitis if infected for >6 months.
> Hepatitis B and C may cause liver abscess, liver cirrhosis, and liver cancer.
> Hepatitis C is silent killer, more chronic carrier stage.

Hepatitis A / traveller's Hepatitis
Its agent is hepatitis a virus and reservoir in humans is Asymptomatic or symptomatic. It is transmitted by fecal oral route and sexually in homosexual men by oral - anal contact.Incubation period for this Hepatitis is 15 - 45 days. Control measure for this Hepatitis includes boiling water, flocculation, filtration, and adequate chlorination, hand washing, proper sanitation.

Hepatitis E
This Hepatitis causes self-limiting viral illness with mortality ( 0.5 - 4% ) especially in pregnant women ( liver failure ). Pregnancy and Hepatitis E results abortions, IUD , high perinatal morbidity and mortality.

Hepatitis B

This hepatitis is transmitted by parental, perinatal, sexual and and horizontal childhood. Incubation period is 45 days to 180 days. Its clinical feature is similar to Hepatitis A and is acute self timing condition but may go into carrier stage / acute hepatic failure.

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Concept of disease control

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concept of disease control
Disease Control
Disease control mainly focuses on primary and secondary prevention activities. In this , the "agent" is permitted to persist in the community at a level shere it ceases to be public health problem according to the tolerance of the local population.e.g. Malaria control

Disease elimination
It is used to describe the interruption of transmission of disease or reduction of case transmission to a predetermined very low level. e.g.WHO (1991) - TB elimination to 1 case / million population.

Disease eradication
It is often termed as complete " tear out by roots ". It means termination of all transmission of infection by extermination of the infectious agent. It is an absolute process, e.g. small pox eradication.

The performance and analysis of routine movements aimed at detecting changes in the environment or health status of population.


It means to watch over with great attention, authority and often with suspicion. It is the continuous scrutiny of the factors that determine the occurrence and distribution of disease and other condition of all health.

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Concept of disease causation

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There are different theories regarding the concept of disease causation.

1.Germ theory of disease
Louis Pasteur (French bacteriologist) proposed this theory and later confined by Robert Koch. According to this theory , the sole cause of disease are microbes. One to one relationship between causal agent and disease. i.e. 1 organism causes 1 disease.Now , it is found that disease depend upon a number of factors which contributes to its occurrence.

2.Epidemiological triad
It states that disease is caused by interactions between agent, host and environment. Agent is an organism , substance or force presence or lack of which may initiate or may cause the disease to continue e.g. organisms, chemicals, radiation,etc. Similarly host is defined as man or an animal that afford subsistence or lodgement to an infections agents in the environment. Host factors are : age, sex, ethnicity, genetic factors, etc.
3.Multifactorial Causation
It de-emphasize the concept of the disease "agent" and stress multiplicity of interactions between the host and environment (agent is included under the environment). It explains the factors responsible for causation of chronics non-infectious disease like cancer, coronary heart disease.

4.Web of causation
It considers all the predisposing factors of any type and their complex interrelationship with each other. It is usually suited for chronic disease where disease agent is not known, but is the outcome of interaction of multiple factors e.g. Myocardial infarction.

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Cure of HIV AIDS

Comments (8) | Sunday, February 21, 2010

cure of hiv aids
If there is any sorts of anxiety inside us that we have caught hiv aids, due to any means of transmission like unsafe sex with partner who have HIV, or use of infected syringe, genetic transfer, or use of infected blood, then its time for one to visit the family doctor, or a expert on gynecology. Doctors there take different tests of our body, which may include a blood test or any other sorts of test. After performing such tests , it may take a few hours for the result whether there is a presence of HIV in our blood or not.

For performing such sorts of tests, we can walk away to any hospital or clinic around us. One thing we should get relaxed for our test is that the medical personnel keep it confidential about our tests. After performing the tests, result comes out to be either positive or negative. If we can't get the right hospital or clinic around us, then we should contact any hotlines.

Upto present, there is no exactly found cure for HIV AIDS. HIV weakens the immune system of our body which can be slowed down by the use of some drugs or by some clinical treatments. Along with HIV AIDS , there are many HIV assosiated illnesses which can be prevented or cured by some sorts of treatments. Medical personnels and health conscious researchers are on long run to find the exact curing and preventive measures for HIV AIDS, but still all in vain. These all clearly indicates that the success in the discovery of the exact curative measures of HIV AIDS likely is years away.

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Origin of swine flu

Comments (0) | Thursday, February 18, 2010

origin of swine flu

The swine flu, the Swine Influenza A (H1N1) virus, is spreading rapidly around the world. Swine flu is the infection in the respiratory tracts from the hogs. The flu is due to the swine influenza virus (SIV) or S-OIV. In this flu, most people recover well within a week without any treatment while some get serious.

Swine flu was first described in the 1930's. The first outbreak is supposed be around 1918. However, lack of facts about that time, has led question to it. The recognised outbreak was noticed at a US army base in New Jersey in 1976 which resulted in pneumonia in four soldiers among which one of them died.

Another record was in 1988, where a 32 years old lady died the similar swine Flu pneumonia 15 days after she visited a pig exhibition in U.S . Not only that, the health workers who were in charge of infected women developed mild influenza like that of swine flu.

Moving to now days, the outbreak is due to a new strain of sub type H1N1 which was not recognised in pigs previously. During April 2009 , Mexico was captured by swine flu virus where about 1,00o cases in human were detected.Now, about a 100,000 estimated cases and more than 4,000 deaths has been noticed.

The symptoms of flu are similar to the ones that people get in regular seasonal flu. The symptoms includes running nose, cough , fever, sore throat, head ache, fatigue. The disease is transmitted usually from one person to another through sneezing or coughing by the infected ones. Sanitation, use of antiviral drugs and care are the only method to stop the outbreak of disease.

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All to know about Typhoid

Comments (0) | Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Typhoid is a disease caused by a bacillus. It is transmitted by food and water contaminated by the excreta of infected persons. Sometimes flies also act as vectors by carrying the germs from excreta to food.

Typhoid bacillus is Bacterium typhosum or Solmonella typhosa. It lives and grows in human beings and escapes from body in faeces i.e.,solid wastes . Flies spread the germs to food and drink. Some people who were infected with the diseases themselves carry the germs and can infect others.They are called carriers.

Symptoms of disease develops from one to two weeks after infection. Person becomes feverish and has headache and pain in his back, arms and legs. Nausea develops and patient looses appetite. Sometimes red spots appear on his body, usually on abdomen. Sometimes , typhoid germs get into the blood stream and complications follow . Bone marrow becomes infected or membrane covering spinal cord may be attacked causing meningitis.

Moving on to the treatment, it includes cold sponge bath to control the fever, use of paracetamol every 6 hourly to reduce the body temperature, use of antibiotic drugs like Chloromycetin.

Typhoid as mentioned can be dreadful and needs good prevention. Firstly good personal hygiene and public sanitation should be maintained. Vaccination with injections of TAB vaccine given with an interval of not less than 7-10 days. Similarly, purification of water supply , hygienic methods of sewage disposal, cleanliness while handling food and fly control are other preventive measures of typhoid. For the prevention of epidemics , an intensive search for source of infection should be searched. Man is the reservoir of infections for germs of typhoid i.e. germs depend on the human body for survival. Therefore, source of infection may be an infected person or a carrier or contaminated food or water. The source of infection is to be treated as well as contacts with it to prevent or halt an epidemics.

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Comments (2) | Monday, February 15, 2010

Cancer is a non-communicable disease. It is a disease in which cells devide uncontrolled way. Cancer is not a single disease but rather a group of diseases. Cancer is characterized by uncontrolled cell proliferation. the cells which divide uncontrolled way are known as cancerous cells or malignant neoplasm. the cancerous cells keep dividing and give rise to mass of cells called tumour. These tumours incerase rapidly in size and disrupt the normal cells ultimately killing them.

Tumours are of two kinds. Benign or non-malignant tumours which cause mild cancer that are enclosed tn the connective tissue . And another is Malignant tumours which cause deadly cancer that are carried to whole parts of the body by the blood and lymph.

Cancer is neither a contagious disease nor genetically ingerited. It is believed that all cells carry certain cancer producing oncogenes. Under certain conditions these genes are triggered to multiply rapidly the malignant nepoplasm. The agents that induce cancer are calle carcinogens. Some of the carcinogens are over exposure to harmful rays , heavy smoking , using carinogens,environmental pollutants,physical abrasions of skin and to on and to forth.

Moving to diagnosis of cancer , The early infection does not show significant symptom. The infection shows some danger symptoms of cancer. Possible symptoms of cancer are persistent couygh, persistent change in digestive and bowel habits , rapid change in form and appearance of a mole or wart , swelling or sore throat and unexpected loss of weight.

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Comments (3) | Saturday, February 13, 2010

hiv aids
Aids is considered to be one of the most dreaded diseases ever faced by humanity.AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome where ‘Acquired' is for you can get infected by it and also can get it from someone while ‘Immune Deficiency' means a particular form of weakness in the human body system which has the function to fight diseases. ‘Syndrome' stands for a particular group of health related problems that constitute the disease.

HIV is the acronym for the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV is virus that causes the incurable acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Over time, HIV destroys the helper T cells of the body's immune system, resulting in a critical deterioration of the immune system and the ability of the body to fight infection.

The first recognised cases of AIDS occurred in the USA in the early 1980s . A number of gay men in New York and California suddenly began to develop rare opportunistic infections and cancers that seemed stubbornly resistant to any treatment. At this time, AIDS did not yet have a name, but it quickly became obvious that all the men were suffering from a common syndrome.The present globally accepted name was given by WHO in 1986.

Aids is transmitted by sexual contacts, parenteral causes , mother to foetus, through infected syringe, too.Population at risk are people involved in unprotected sex, young migrants, IV drug users, baby of infected mothers, and people who need repeated blood transfusion, health professional who are involved in handling blood products and sharp instruments.

ELISA is best method that detects antibody and western blot test - tests protein. The confirmatory test for AIDS is western blot. There isno curative treatment It is managed by HAART(Highly active antiretroviral drugs)

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Origin and history of human diseases

Comments (0) | Wednesday, February 10, 2010

From a long long time ago, interdisciplinary historians have studied how groups and individuals in the past advanced despite of food scarcities, nutritional deficiencies, exposure to virulent disease pathogens, dangerous forms of sanitation and several other public health problems, menacing urban streets, infectious sea voyages, and many other morbid and mortal hazards.

The oldest evidence of the human disease has been found in bones, due to the fact that bones are the only remnants of our ancestors . The Egyptian mummies show lesions typical to osteoarthritis (chronic rheumatism or Degenerative Arthritis). There are also in those mummies trace of other diseases such as gout in the joints, stones of the urinary tract, and signs of bone infections. All those discoveries help scientists to understand that the former Egyptians suffered from a large variety of diseases basically infections and chronic rheumatism.

Further evidence of disease and healing which we can use is an old portrait of a shaman-healer found on the walls of the cavern of "Trois-Frères" in the Pyrenees (a range of mountains in southwest Europe that form a natural border between France and Spain). On this portrait, researchers can see a painting representing a man dressed by an animal skin. His arms and legs are covered with stripes; he carried, attached to his head, a deer horn. The artist, lived in Aurignac, has given us a portrait of a shaman-healer of his time wearing a costume of his time. Therefore, the fresco of the Trois-Frères provides us with an excellent starting point.

From these brief pre-historical references, let’s take a look at the historical period and study the medicine of early ages. Opinions is not enough to set the time or place of the origin of disease. However, the following types of medicine in the medical history of mankind can help us Biblical story tells us that in the beginning man lived in peace without any harm. However, today, there are more diseases that a regular medical dictionary can contain. So, what is the origin of disease? If it is almost impossible to clearly answer this question, we can resort to the history of medicine to have an idea.

Moving to Nowdays , The World Health Organization estimates that each year 300-500 million cases of malaria occur and more than 1 million people die of malaria.Similary, . Almost 5500 people die every day due to AIDS in which about half of all new adult HIV infections occur among 15-24 year olds.Approximately 7.6 million people die from cancer each year. In addition to this,rising influenzas are killing millions of people.Human diseases emerged from a long long way far and seems growing violent with the passage of time.

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Concise introduction to human diseases

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An introduction to human diseases

The term disease refers to derangement of health or any bodily disorder or disease is a condition of the body or its parts in which the functions are disturbed or deranged.

Any person possessing of good physique and sound health does not necessarily mean free from disease.Similarly,a good looking healthy person may have several diseased conditions.Health is something more than absence of disease or even more infirmity. It is a state of complete physical , mental and social well being. Physical health refers to the state of body when all its organs and systems are normal in structure and functions as well as perfect balance between the environment and the body. Physical health can be determined by several tests, while mental health and social health are much more difficult of assess.

Disease can be in any part of body and may or may not be curable. In general, a perfect health is almost difficult to achieve. From time immoral man has tried to understand the nature and causes of diseases and has tried ways to cure them.

Generally , disease may be acquired by man basically by two reasons. One is by birth and the other is acquired which is contracted after death. the first and second sorts above are respectively called congential and acquired diseases.

Congential diseases are caused due to genetic abnormality or due to malfunctioning of any organ or system. Acquired diseases that are developed after birth are again of communicable and non communicable type. The main agents that cause diseases are biological agents, nutrient agents, chemical agents , physical agents or mechanical agents.

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